"Umm, indeed, he is cool," I replied softly. She grinned, a weird grin, and walked back to the kitchen to finish the supper. I think she must have known something was going on, or I made it show, but she never made any sign of awareness.
A few days passed, it was Friday and I asked Jeremy if he wanted to have a sleep over at my house. I was very excited! It was the first time I had a friend sleeping at my house. The day passed very slowly, as usual when you are waiting for something to happen. I met with Jeremy at his locker.
"Hey Jer, are you as excited as me about tonight?" I asked him while he was getting his books.
"Yeah, I can't wait." He turned and looked at me. "Say, what time should I arrive?"
"What about six-ish, is that okay?"
"Cool, it’s perfect," he said smiling widely. God, he is so cute when he smiles like that.
We rode the bus silently, not needing to speak, we arrived at the stop while he headed to his house so he could change clothes and drop his school stuffs, I headed home, and inside I greeted my mom.
"Mom I’m home!" I called loudly from the entrance.
"Hello, Ady how was school?" she asked me from the kitchen.
"It was ok." I replied, heading to my room to take a shower and to change my clothes before supper.
I took my time in the shower paying extra attention to my crotch. Of course, I got hard, but I let it go, not wanting to ruin everything, not that I had planned anything. After my shower I got dressed with a white t-shirt and a cargo pants, I headed for the kitchen to eat. As the time had been flying, the arrival of Jeremy was getting closer and my nervousness higher. As six pm approached, the doorbell rang, my mother opened the door, and it was Jeremy and his mother. We greeted them politely, our moms headed to the kitchen for a cup of tea while Jeremy and I headed for my room.
"Ady, are you nervous?" he asked me.
"Huh? Yeah, just a little. Does it show that much?"
He just grabbed my hands and said, "If you don't feel right about anything..."
"No!" I interrupted him. "I'm just a little nervous."
"Oh, but tell me if you don't feel right about anything, OK?"
"Yeah!" was all I could manage to say.
He leaned and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, I was in heaven he was so nice and gentle. We both headed to the kitchen where our mothers were talking about whatever mothers talk about. We took a cup of tea with them while chatting about school and stuff of our age. After that it was time for Jeremy's mom to go, we all said good night to her and she gave Jeremy the "be nice" talk. We both retreated to my room to watch the TV. After about an hour we heard my father arriving from his business trip. As he passed by my room we greeted him.
"Hi boys, how are you?" he asked us.
"Good!" We both exclaimed at the same time, sending all of us in laughter.
"Well that's good," he replied chuckling. "I'm going to eat and head to bed, and you two don't stay up all night, OK?"
"No Dad, we won't," I told him grinning.
We continued to watch the TV. After about an hour, my mom and my dad headed to bed, so we turned off the TV and we undressed into our nightclothes, consisting of only boxers. We both slipped into my bed. Jeremy turned to me, piercing my soul with his eyes.
"Ady, I have to tell you that I have thought about it and…" his voice trailed off.
"You’ve thought about what?"
"Well I... I love and well… will you be my boyfriend, Ady?" blushing he asked softly.
I was almost crying at what he asked, I hugged him as I murmured, "YES! I love you too, Jeremy."
He then kissed me softly but passionately. As we embraced, our hands roamed each other’s body. After about five minutes we broke the kiss, both needing air. Then I felt Jeremy’s hand slowly heading to my boxers-covered privates. When he reached it, he looked at me, almost like he was asking permission. I smiled widely to him and brought my lips to his. As he softly massaged my erection, I started moaning into his mouth. I slipped my hand into his boxers’ waistband and reached for his and I softly massaged him, as he was doing to me. We moaned in each others’ mouth has we slowly stroked each other. It was nothing like I ever felt, the feeling was so intense. As I was approaching my orgasm, I broke the kiss.
"I… I… I'm going to…" I whispered panting.
"Me too," he said softly in my ear, also panting.
My orgasm hit me intensely as I started to cum my modest load into his hand, and he came just seconds after me, releasing his load into my hand. We both continued to kiss softly. Then he broke the kiss and looked at me.
"I love you, Adrian," he whispered.
"I love you too, Jeremy, I love you so very much."
We resumed our kiss for a few minutes. After wiping our hands on a discarded T-shirt, we both fell asleep in each other arms, my head on his shoulder as he held me close to him possessively. Little did I know that my mother had checked on us in the morning and found us holding each other tightly, uncovered, because at some point, one of us kicked off the covers.
I woke up the next morning looking at Jeremy’s peaceful face, just watching him sleep, he was so beautiful. He began to stir and opened his eyes slowly looking at me.
"Hello Ady, did you sleep well?" he asked.
"I never slept that good before," I replied, and ask "and you, babe?"
"I never slept any better," he whispered, "you called me, babe?"
"Umm, yeah, I hope that's OK."
"Yes, it is," he said, leaning and kissing me.
"I need to go to the bathroom," I said breaking the kiss.
"Yeah, me too. Let’s go and have breakfast." He said grabbing clean T-shirts for us to wear at the table
We took care of our morning bladder problem, brushing our teeth, cleaning our hands and faces. We both went to the kitchen where my mother was fixing us breakfast.
"Hi Mom, what are you making?" I asked.
"Well, hello there boys, did you sleep well?" she asked with a big grin. I noticed she didn’t actually answer my question.
"Yes we did, ma'am," Jeremy answered promptly.
"Well I'm happy to hear that, sit down. I'll bring you breakfast," she answered back.
After that, my mother brought us eggs and bacon with milk, some orange juice and a bowl of fruits. We both chowed down our meals like normal teens with empty stomachs would. After breakfast we helped my mother to do the dishes. Then we ran to my room to get dressed for the day.
"What do you want to do today?" he asked me.
"I don't know, just hang out I suppose."
We headed to the family room where my mom was sitting in the armchair. She looked at us, motioning us to sit down on the couch. We both sat nervously in front of her.
"I think… I need to ask you something boys," she said.
"Umm… about what?" I asked shyly.
"Well I want both of you to know that..." she started, and I looked at Jeremy who had some fear in his face. "Jeremy, are you OK?" she said looking at him.
"Yes, I think so," he said nervously.
"Well, I saw you both this morning when I checked, and I would like to know..." she started.
I looked at Jeremy, who now showed fear in his face because we were caught this morning.
"And please do tell me the truth, I won't get mad at you…" she started to ask.
Jeremy looked at me as if he was trying to read my mind and know what I would say.
"Mom, I… I… I'm gay and I love Jeremy," I blurted out.
She looked at me and Jeremy and I could see Jeremy's eyes watering, she got up and walked to us and she hugged us.
"Thanks, Adrian, for telling me the truth, you know that your father and I love you, and nothing will ever change that," she said softly with love in her voice. "And Jeremy, you are family as of now, so please do not worry. I just hope that the feelings that Adrian has for you are mutual, and that you will both be careful with each other." She said.
"They are and we will I promise," he said softly. He then hugged me, kissed me on the cheek, and whispered in my ear, "I love you and you have the coolest parents on earth."
After our wonderful weekend together, it was back to school. We had a very good weekend. My mother scared the shit out of us, but after that, it was marvelous. Jeremy stayed Saturday night and got home on Sunday afternoon around three.
"Hi Jeremy," I shouted, as he was approaching our mutual bus stop on Monday morning.
"Hi Babe, how did you sleep last night?" he asked me, touching my hand while standing to my left.
"You were not there with me," I replied shyly brushing my fingers with his.
"Yeah I know. I was feeling lonely too."
We continued our chitchat for about two minutes before the bus stopped in front of us with the usual screeching noise. We both hopped on and started our trek to the school for a new day of learning. The morning classes were quite uneventful. We both shared a class and then we headed to our own classrooms. When lunchtime arrived, I was very hungry and I headed to the lunchroom. When I arrived there, I saw Jeremy chatting with another student, but that student looked like he was a year or two older than us. When Jeremy saw me, he pointed at me and the other person looked at me and smiled. I approach them with a questioningly look on my face.
"Hey Ady, come on, I want you to meet someone," Jeremy shouted over the lunchroom noise.
"Hi!" I said, approaching both of them.
"Adrian this is Christopher, Chris this is Adrian, my boyfriend" Jeremy said, the last part in a whispered tone.
"Jer, what the hell?" I hissed with surprise. He just said that we were boyfriends!
"Relax Ady, he’s OK. Don't worry, I wouldn’t tell just anyone like that," Jeremy replied softly.
"Hey nice to finally meet you Adrian," Christopher said, extending his hand for me to shake. "Sorry that I can't stay longer and chat with you, but I need to go for my meeting with my staff. I'll catch you after school and we’ll explain everything." He waved and headed out of the lunchroom.
"His staff?" I look questioningly at Jeremy.
Jeremy chuckled and grabbed my hand, almost dragging me amidst the lunch line. We both took our lunch and headed outside to eat somewhere calmer so we could talk. He explained to me that Christopher was a kind of student counselor, that he was also the founder of the little shop that we had in the school where they sell some candies, soups, gums, and chips, even condoms and girls’ monthly protection, at cheaper price for those girls that didn’t have them but unfortunately needed them, and that he was the chief editor of our school’s newspaper, The Journal. He also told me that they have been friends since last year.
"He does all that in the school and on Top of all his schooling?" I asked astonished.
"Yes, and last year he was the one who started the school’s Journal, he’s not just the chief editor, but also the founder." Jeremy said grinning.
"Wow, he’s a busy guy!"
"Yeah and I have him to thank for us being together," he said slyly.
"Oh, what do you mean?"
"I'll explain that to you later, we have to get back in school for the afternoon classes, we’ll talk later," he said getting up extending his hand to help me up.
"Yeah, OK," I said and then whispered, "I love you, Jeremy."
He grabbed me by the shoulders and looked around, seeing that no one was watching us, he quickly gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "Love you too," he said in a low tone before we headed off in the school to our next class.
The afternoon was mostly boring. I was eager to know exactly who Christopher was and how he was the reason Jeremy and I are together. You know how when you wish something would happen faster, but you look at the clock like every five-minutes and minutes seems like hours? Well that was my afternoon. I couldn’t keep my concentration on the tasks the teachers gave us.
Finally, the bell that announced the end of class sounded. I was happy that I’d finally know some more about Christopher. After stuffing the things that I wouldn’t need for my homework that night in my locker, I decided to go join Jeremy at his locker.
"Hey Adrian," Jeremy shouted over the noise of students heading home.
"Hi" was the only word I could get out when I saw Christopher approaching in the corridor.
"Hey you two, come on," Christopher waved for us to follow him.
Jeremy just grinned and grabbed my hand, which made me blush, pulling me to where Christopher was leading. We followed Christopher to the little shop. He opened the door and we followed him. We found ourselves in the rear of the shop where they kept all the stock. There was a table in the middle, he motioned for us to sit down and took some bags of chips and a couple of soft drinks and handed them to us.
"So Adrian, I hope Jeremy is being a gentleman with you," Christopher said grinning, making me blush.
"Umm… yeah he is," I said looking at Jeremy who was grinning ear to ear.
"Go on, eat. I know you both must be hungry. I know it's not that healthy, but it's something."
"Thanks, Chris." Jeremy said while opening a small bag of chips and grabbing a soda.
"No biggie."
"Thanks, Chris. So how did you two meet?" I asked.
"Well, it was last year. I was asked by a teacher to help him," he said thoughtfully
"What do you mean ‘help him’?"
Jeremy spoke up, "Well, I was very depressed last year because of, you know, me being gay and all. I was scared, but he showed me kindness and understanding."
"I'll tell you from the beginning, if you want," Christopher added.
"Uh yeah, OK, tell me," I said.
"So it was last year, about the middle of the year, when a teacher approached me about a kid in her classroom who looked very depressed. She asked me to see what I could do. I was known to be able to find out almost anything from anyone," Chris started.
I was busy in the office of the Journal that I started two months before, and we still needed to add something to it, so I was preparing for a meeting with all the others who joined the Journal, when Mrs. Morrison, one of the teachers in the school, came in to talk to me.
"Hello, Christopher," she said sitting on the desk, "I would like to ask you a favor."
"Oh OK, depends on what it is," I said smiling.
"Well, there is a student of mine who seems very depressed, I was wondering if you could find out why he is like that," she said.
"Why? Don't we have counselors in the school for that?" I asked her.
"Well, we tried, but he refuses to talk to an adult, we don't know why."
"OK. Well, I could try, but I can't promise anything," I said in a matter-of-fact manner.
"I know, but at least you can try, and thank you Christopher," she said, getting up to leave the room. "I knew I could count on you and by the way, I never gave you that." She left a big brown letter-size envelope on the desk and she was out before I could ask what it was. I took the envelope and checked it. My name was written on it, so I figured it was for me, but before I could open it, the other student members of the Journal came in, so I shoved the envelope in my bag and started the meeting. After the meeting I needed to go to my next class for that afternoon, I was having difficulty concentrating because I wanted to know what was in that envelope. That evening after doing my homework, I decided to open the envelope in my room.
The envelope contained a one-sheet note with a small photocopied picture of Jeremy:
Jeremy is someone whom I believe to be shy, he does not have many friends in school yet. He was transferred from another school this year. I have basically no information that I can share with you that is relevant. I have found that he usually goes to the library or the pool every lunch break.
Christopher, please do not tell anyone about this, especially Jeremy, I do not want him to feel that we are observing him. I’m counting on you and thank you for any help you can provide. I know you will do your best.
Mrs. Morrison.
"Well now I feel like Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible." I chuckled to myself.
After reading it all again, I shredded the note and put it in my recycling basket. After placing the picture in my bag, I prepared myself for bed. That night I dreamed of something weird, I was in the school pool and heard a big commotion in the locker room. When I entered the locker room I saw the principal talking with a police officer about some kid in the toilet stall. Before I could see anything, one of the officers saw me and made me take my stuff and exit the locker room, blocking my view to the stall. When I woke up, I had a strange feeling about it, but I pushed it to the back of my mind. I prepared myself for school, but the feeling was still there. After getting to my bus stop, I thought about the dream. It was so real, I never felt that strange about a dream before. But before I realized it, my bus was in front of me waiting for me to enter.
"You coming in or what?" the old bus driver asked annoyed.
"Oh yeah, sorry I was thinking," I replied, getting on the bus.
That feeling was bugging me all morning, when the lunch break arrived I decided to see if I could find Jeremy. I first went in the pool area but I couldn't find him, there so I decided to check in the library it was empty. Just then I heard a commotion in the hallway. I checked it out and saw Jeremy being pushed around by couple of older students.
"Hey guys, leave him alone!" I shouted.
They just looked at me and shouted back to mind my own business, but it was enough of a distraction for Jeremy to flee. I tried to catch up to him, but he was too fast.
"Oh well, I'll try to find him tomorrow," I thought to myself, as I looked at my watch. "Damn, I'll be late for my next class."
The afternoon was uneventful, as usual. The evening was not much different. When I went to sleep that night I had the same dream, with the same result. I couldn’t keep that dream out of my mind for a second day. When lunchtime arrived I decided to go check the library first, but as before, it was empty.
"Oh well," I thought. "I'll check the pool and if he’s not there I might as well take a dip."
So I headed to my locker to get my swim bag. When I arrived at the pool no one was there so I changed and took the ordered shower before going in the pool. I first decided to go on the diving board, I always loved to dive. After being in the water for about ten minutes, I heard a loud thud in the locker room so I decided to check it out, as I didn’t have a lock on my locker at the pool, because I never carried anything of value with me but I still didn’t want my clothes to be taken by a smartass jokester.
I entered the locker room silently to see who was there. To my surprise it was Jeremy, he was searching in his bag for something while sitting on the bench. I just kept silent and watched what he was up to. I thought it was weird, but then he got up and headed to the toilet stall. Then it hit me: the dream, the boy in the stall, the police officer.
"Oh God! He’s not planning to... shit!" I followed behind. I ran to the stall, surprising him. He tried to pass by me to exit the locker room, but I was fast enough to catch him by the shoulder.
"Hey! Stop struggling now," I said, as he tried to break free of my grasp.
"Let me go!" he said in a scared tone.
"Not until you stop twisting," I said, tightening my grip on him.
After that he stopped moving and started to cry in my arms. To say the least, I was shocked by all this. I kept holding onto him while he was emptying himself, crying in my arms. I moved us both to the bench and sat down, still holding him. By the time he started to control his emotions, the bell had rung, I was happy there was no class at the pool that afternoon.
"You better now?" I asked him.
He didn't reply.
"Hey don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you, OK? I'm your friend."
"Why would you what to befriend me?" he asked, still sobbing a little.
"Because I care for others, that's why."
"Why would you care for me when everyone else picking on me?"
"To tell you the truth, I care for others because it's my purpose," I said smiling at him.
"What do you mean ‘your purpose’? Are you some kind of Guardian Angel?" he asked with a sniff.
"What? No I'm not, I'm an ordinary guy who likes to help others, that's all," I said, smiling, thinking that he thought I was an angel. "Please tell me why you here by yourself. You should know that’s not the way to fix your problems."
"If I tell you, you'll just beat me like the others," he said.
"I would never hurt anyone for any reason, and I never used my fists other than for protecting myself or others in need," I said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Do you promise?" he looked at me hopefully.
"Yes, I promise to never tell anyone and I will not hurt you."
"Well... I... I... I'm gay" he blurted out.
"And where is the problem with that, if I may ask?" I replied, trying not to sound shocked. It surprised me that he actually told me that.
"Well, that is my problem. No one likes me and if they find out, they’ll think I'm a freak."
"Well, do you think you are? Because I don’t."
"What? No, well not really, but why?" he looked at me like I was an Alien.
"Tell you what, I promised not to tell your secret. Do you promise that you won't tell what I'm about to tell you?" I asked the boy in my arms.
"I promise."
"Well that should suffice, I think," I said a little nervous, because no one knows about me, not even my folks, and I'm about to tell a boy a barely know. "I'm gay too!"
"Really? You are?" His body relaxed a little.
"Yes, and now you are one of the only ones on earth who knows that." I said, relaxing my arms around him to see if he would try to escape. To my surprise, he didn't try to run he just looked at me like I was something that he had never seen in his life.
"Tell me, is that why you were here?" I asked him. I felt him tense a little in my arms, but I didn't want to scare him so I just continue to hold him softly.
"Yes, no one likes me," he said, starting cry again.
"Well I like you, and I'm sure your parents like you more than you can imagine."
He just stayed in my arms while he sobbed. I tried to comfort him by rubbing his back a little. After about ten minutes he regained his composure. I told him to stay here while I changed. He agreed, so I let him go completely and let him sit on the bench while I changed. I decided not to go in the change room I wanted to keep an eye on him. I didn't really think about giving him a show, as I'm mostly very shy about showing my body, even more in front of a little guy. I watched him trying to stretch to see me. I laughed to myself.
After I got dressed, I sat down beside him and we talked for about an hour; I was happy when slowly he smiled. The bell rang announcing the end of the day, but before I let him go I made him promise to come see me at lunchtime or whenever he needed to talk with someone. He thanked me and I let him go, hoping that he would stay safe.
After that day he came to see me almost every lunchtime for about week. One day though, Mrs. Morrison came into one of my classes and asked me to follow her. I got my things and followed her to the retreat room we have for turbulent kids. I was surprised to see Jeremy sitting at one of the desks. He looked at me and I saw that he had been crying.
"Christopher, he asked to talk to you and you only," Mrs. Morrison said with concern.
"It's OK," I said. "Can you leave us alone?"
"Of course, come get me when you’re finished," she said, closing the door.
That day we talked more. He was having a crash down and felt shitty after a couple of older boys had harassed him. After we finished talking and I was able to make him smile again, we both left the room and Mrs. Morrison sent him to the library for the rest of the period, while she wanted to talk to me.
She turned and looked at me after we entered her office. "So can you tell me what was that all about?"
"Well I can say some things, but some are personal," I said.
"I can live with that. Just tell me what you can."
"Well, you were right. He is a little depressed and he got harassed this morning by some older students," I said calmly.
"Oh dear, how did we miss that?" she asked concerned.
"Well, have someone check on him. If anyone harasses him, stop them, please, he is in a fragile state right now," I said almost pleading and hinting at something more.
"OK, I will watch, don't worry." She said picking up on the hint with concern.
"Thanks, I need to go or I'll be late for my next class, thanks Mrs. Morrison," I said, standing up and grabbing my bag.
Thankfully, the next day one of the teachers saw the students who were harassing Jeremy and put a stop to it. I was glad that the last outbreak he had was the final one. He came to see me almost every day after that and we became good friends.
"Wow," was all I could say.
"And I got a little worried this year because he came to see me almost every day like last year, but about a month ago he stopped coming to see me. I thought something happened," Christopher replied.
"Sorry Chris, I forgot to tell you. That’s about when I meet Ady," Jeremy said.
"It's OK. I kind of figured it out when I saw you both chatting outside last week," Chris said smiling. "And I think you really found yourself a cutie." I was blushing deep red after that comment and Jeremy was grinning madly. We continued to chat a little, Jeremy recounting how we meet to Christopher. After that we all got our things ready and headed outside and Christopher’s mother car was just pulling up to the school parking lot.
"Do you want lift, boys?" she asked kindly.
"Yes, thank you, ma'am," Jeremy replied.
We all piled in the back seat of the car and headed home. I was happy that I was with Jeremy and thinking of Chris telling me that I was cute made me blush again. They both started to laugh when they saw me.
"You’re still thinking about what I said, aren't you?" Chris managed to say between laughs. I could only nod, but I was happy. Jeremy grabbed my hand softly and gave it a squeeze, holding it while looking in my eyes.
To be continued…